Anti-Kickback Policy: Our Handshake of Trust

At Zarnik Hotel Supplies Private Limited, integrity, transparency, and community stand as the cornerslates of our business operations. This combined policy underscores our commitment to ethical business while acknowledging the value of our community in our growth journey.

Definition of a Kickback

A "kickback" is any item of value, monetary or otherwise, provided with the intent of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment in a business transaction.

Our Clear Stand

Zarnik Hotel Supplies Private Limited does not, under any circumstances, offer, engage in, or entertain any form of kickbacks. Our commitment to maintaining a fair and competitive marketplace is unwavering. Any form of unethical practice, including kickbacks, runs counter to our core values and the high standards we set for ourselves.

Ethical Business Engagements

Our commitment to abstaining from kickbacks is unwavering. However, it's crucial to differentiate between genuine business engagements and unethical kickbacks. The following regular engagements are practices of appreciation, relationship-building, or promotional activities. They are transparent, do not influence purchase decisions, and are in no way to be construed as kickbacks:

Referral Incentives: From time to time, we extend our gratitude in the form of incentives to individuals or organizations that introduce new businesses or partners to Zarnik. However, it's essential to note that these incentives are exclusively for those outside of the referred company. This could be property management entities, parent chains, or similar external organizations. The essence of our referral program is to appreciate genuine introductions without any internal biases or conflicts of interest. Both one-time and recurring incentives may be offered based on the nature and value of the referral.

Promotional Activities: Zarnik may offer discounts, trials, or rebates as part of our promotional campaigns, aiming to introduce new products, clear out old stock, or enhance our engagement with our customer base.

Gifts of Nominal Value: At times, Zarnik might provide small branded items like pens or notepads. These gestures, not tied to any specific business transaction, help in nurturing our relationship with partners and clients.

Customer Feedback Incentives: We often provide incentives for customers who share their valuable feedback or participate in our surveys, as this feedback is crucial in refining our products and services.

Standard Support Services: Customers can expect after-sales support, dedicated customer care, and product training after making a purchase, ensuring they extract the best value and understanding from our products.

Participation in Zarnik's Events: Invitations to events, workshops, or product launches organized by Zarnik are a means to build our community, offer value, and share insights with our stakeholders.

Your Trust, Our Commitment

Your trust is paramount. We pledge to uphold the highest standards in all our dealings, ensuring a fair marketplace for all. When you choose our products, we want you to know it's because they are the best fit for you, not due to hidden motives or agendas.

Periodic Reviews

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with Zarnik Hotel Supplies Private Limited's commitment to ethical business practices.

A Word to Our Stakeholders

Everyday essentials for hospitality deserve an everyday commitment to ethical practices. We continuously strive towards enhancing every stay, not just through the quality of our products but through the integrity of our actions. To our partners and stakeholders, we assure you that our business practices are, and will always remain, above reproach. We seek your continued support and trust as we strive to create a marketplace that values fairness, transparency, and the highest standards of ethics.

Your Trust, Our Responsibility

It's a two-way street. If something feels off, or you're unsure about any dealings, drop a message to our CEO and Managing Director at We're all ears.

To infinity and beyond, with trust and transparency!

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