Providing your guests with thoughtful amenities can go a long way in creating a positive, memorable experience. At Zarnik, we make it easy and affordable to stock your guest rooms with a variety of pre-assembled amenity kits.
Our selection includes:
- Dental Kits: Offer your guests the convenience of oral care with our dental kits, which include a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss.
- Shaving Kits: Provide your guests with everything they need for a comfortable shave, including razor, shaving cream, and aftershave.
- Sewing Kits: Be prepared for wardrobe emergencies with our sewing kits, which include needles, thread, buttons, and safety pins.
- Vanity Kits: Offer your guests a range of grooming tools with our vanity kits, which can include items like cotton swabs, nail files, and cotton balls.
- Shoe Shine Kits: Help your guests keep their s