Guest Amenity Kits

Enhance your guests' stay with our comprehensive hotel guest amenity kits. From toiletries to convenience items, our kits are designed to meet various needs. Browse our online selection and enjoy hassle-free delivery straight to your property.

Buy Hotel Guest Amenity Kits Online

Providing your guests with thoughtful amenities can go a long way in creating a positive, memorable experience. At Zarnik, we make it easy and affordable to stock your guest rooms with a variety of pre-assembled amenity kits.

Our selection includes:

  1. Dental Kits: Offer your guests the convenience of oral care with our dental kits, which include a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss.
  2. Shaving Kits: Provide your guests with everything they need for a comfortable shave, including razor, shaving cream, and aftershave.
  3. Sewing Kits: Be prepared for wardrobe emergencies with our sewing kits, which include needles, thread, buttons, and safety pins.
  4. Vanity Kits: Offer your guests a range of grooming tools with our vanity kits, which can include items like cotton swabs, nail files, and cotton balls.
  5. Shoe Shine Kits: Help your guests keep their s